Offer Accepted

Offer Accepted

So, your offer has been accepted – Congratulations but, before you break open the bubbly, there’s still a little way to go before you move into your new home.

Stake your claim:

Once your offer has been provisionally accepted, ask the seller to take the property off the market. This will hopefully prevent other potential buyers swooping in and making subsequent offers.


Make sure that you have your mortgage offer or promise handy and supply this, along with the details of your solicitor, to your estate agent.


Unless you are cash buyer you will now need to complete the Lenders Application Form and pass on the following documentation. We can offer a Mortgage Service if help is required:

  1. Proof of address (for the length of time specified by the lender);
  2. Proof of identification;
  3. Your P60 and Proof of earnings (for the length of time specified by the lender);
  4. Bank statements (for the length of time specified by the lender);
  5. Utility bills (for the length of time specified by the lender).
  6. Any  additional documentation required by your lender

 Sales Progression – Helpful Guide.

Mortgage Valuation:

You should now ask your mortgage broker / lender to instruct a valuation on the property to determine that the agreed price is appropriate.

Separate Survey (If Required):

Does your mortgage company require a separate survey or is this something you would like for peace of mind. Your representative at Morgan Brookes can advise you on reputable local companies and the process involved.


This is the practice of handling all of the legal aspects of your property purchase. Your conveyancer should keep you in the loop through every step of the process and support you through this sometimes stressful step. Morgan Brookes has many year’s experience of working with conveyancers and are more than happy to provide recommendations and quotes.


At this stage, your solicitor will be working on a draft contract of your purchase which he or she will go through with you prior to signature. Contracts can be complex with often baffling language so it’s important that you ask about any parts you don’t understand.


While your solicitor is preparing contracts, it’s time for you to secure buildings insurance as, once the property is signed over, you will be liable for it – and anything that goes wrong with it!

If you would like help or advice please contact us 01268 755626 or drop us a message

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