Viewing A Property

Viewing A Property

Viewing a property is exciting and it’s easy to make a rash decision in the heat of the moment. To ensure that the purchase of your dream home doesn’t turn into a nightmare, our viewing guide will help show you what to look for.

Partner up:

Even if you are buying alone, take somebody with you; a second pair of eyes can be invaluable in spotting possible flaws or issues.

View without an audience:

Request that the property owner / tenant is not present during your viewing – it’s more difficult to ask blunt questions and give your honest opinion of the decor in front of someone who may have spent years working on it.

Take your time:

Allow plenty of time to view thoroughly – a rushed lunchtime visit may mean that you don’t have sufficient time for anything other than a general overview.

View the whole property:

Remember that the exterior of the property is just as important as the interior; check for cracks and splits, particularly around doors and windows as these may be an indication of a larger problem.  If in doubt, get a full structural survey carried out on the property to put your mind at rest.  At Morgan Brookes, we can help you find the right structural survey company.

Cover yourself:

Although having a mortgage valuation is helpful, it doesn’t necessarily mean that a full structural survey has been carried out so do always check.

Look again:

Arrange for a second viewing to cover anything you missed first time round and to ask further questions.  It’s a good idea to have separate viewings at different times of day or night in order to gauge potential issues such as noisy traffic, school noise etc.

You’re viewing a home not just a house so make sure that you check out the surrounding areas for amenities such as shops, transport, schools and employment.

Carry out a property search today.

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